Biomimetics Bioinspired Hierarchical Structured Surfaces For Green Science And Technology

Biomimetics Bioinspired Hierarchical Structured Surfaces For Green Science And Technology

by Maurice 3.4

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“A trained medical photographer, I specialize in photographing operating and emergency rooms, surgery, dental, veterinary, gross specimen and other medical procedures – capturing the before, during and after.”

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“An international photographer, I capture the realities of life in both established and developing nations, celebrating our cultural differences and the similarities that unite us all.”

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“A documentarian, I photograph college students studying abroad, students learning in inner-city classrooms and schools being built in remote villages. I view the entire world as a classroom.”

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“An avid traveler, I see the impact non-profit organizations have on the world. My photographs demonstrate the need for the important work they do and put faces to the stories they create.”

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